The rise to heaven.
Geek Alliance LLCOne of the joys of Nintendo’s Switch is how it marries the company’s home console heritage with its equally prestigious handheld line. Ask anybody over the age of 30 to name a handheld system and “Game Boy” will likely still be the first answer; that system became synonymous with portable gaming in the same way as all home consoles were routinely referred to as “Nintendos” back in the day.
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1 Comment
Totally agree! The Switch really nailed that blend of home and handheld gaming. It’s wild to think about how the Game Boy shaped so many of our childhoods. I remember sneaking it into school and playing during lunch breaks, and now I can take my Switch anywhere. Nintendo just gets it, you know? It’s like they’ve been ahead of the curve forever, and the Switch is just the perfect evolution of that legacy. Can’t wait to see what they come up with next!