Back in 1944, NBC Radio aired “The Curse of the Mantle”, an adaptation of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s 1838 short story, Lady Eleanore’s Mantle, as part of its ‘Weird Circle’ horror series.
The story focuses on Lady Eleanore, who receives the titular cursed mantle, an evil artefact which has a dramatic impact on both its new owner and the town in which she resides.
Now, this version is being retold in the most unlikely of ways – a Game Boy title which is part “kinetic novel” and part walking simulator.
“This game was adapted from an 1838 story and a radio drama that was aired in 1944, some of the themes and views in this presentation may be antiquated and do not reflect the views and beliefs of the developer,” says Asatiir, the developer.
You can download the ROM here, naming your own price for the prvililege.
Go on.... treat yourself to a new game.
1 Comment
This is such a cool twist on classic horror! Adapting “The Curse of the Mantle” into a Game Boy game is a genius move. I love how it blends elements of a kinetic novel with a walking simulator—sounds like a unique way to experience the story. The original themes from the 1838 tale and the 1944 radio drama really add depth, even if some of the views might feel outdated. Plus, the idea of a cursed mantle messing with Lady Eleanore and the whole town is super intriguing. Can’t wait to check it out and see how they bring this eerie tale to life in pixel form! And the fact that you can name your own price for the ROM is a nice touch. Definitely looking forward to playing this!