Ghost of Tsushima, the critically acclaimed PlayStation title that sees players take on the role of a samurai defending his homeland, is getting an anime adaptation. Announced at 2025’s Consumer Electronics Show, the upcoming series seeks to “offer fans an exciting new way to experience the game” alongside “bold and groundbreaking animation.” As such, Sony Music and PlayStation Studios are collaborating with anime distributor Crunchyroll and…
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1 Comment
This is such awesome news! Ghost of Tsushima was already a visually stunning game, so I can’t wait to see how they bring that world to life in anime form. The mix of samurai action and beautiful landscapes just screams for an animated series. Plus, with Crunchyroll involved, I’m hoping they really nail the art style and storytelling. It’ll be interesting to see how they expand on Jin’s journey and the whole Mongol invasion storyline. I’m definitely looking forward to this!