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After a brief weekend break, here is our third and final day of coverage on the GTI Asia China Expo 2024, out of Guangzhou, China. Having now finished our round-ups of Wahlap, UNIS, and a few small nods to other notable things going on (e.g. Namco Hong Kong’s attendance), this post gives a chance to [&hellip

The post GTI Asia China Expo 2024 Day 3: More New Arcade Games In China appeared first on Arcade Heroes.

In the arcade business, there has always been a slightly busier time for industry events and arcade trade shows, traditionally spanning from Fall to around late Winter/early Spring with the Summer lull in between. As its size has shrunk in some aspects since the old ‘golden age’, that has become less pronounced over time. But [&hellip

The post Trade Show Season Fall 2024 – The Preview (Feat. New Games On Test) appeared first on Arcade Heroes.

Hi there, PlayStation community! We’re Monster Couch, and we make digital board game adaptations. Our digital version of Wingspan—one of the most acclaimed tabletop games of recent years—will be available on PS5 and PS4 on October 11. We’re excited to tell you about it – let’s start with the basics. Wingspan, at its heart, is […]